I never liked my curls. I had bald spots at one point from using relaxers and trying so hard to change them, to make my hair flatter and smaller, to straighten the coils. But you know what it got me? Nothing. It didn’t get me the validation I was desperately seeking. You know why? Because God made me with beautiful coily curls, He made me the way I was supposed to be. He made me, and I’m perfect. You’re perfect too. Just as He intended. Don’t ever forget it. Embrace it.
Tag someone and give them a compliment, let’s make an impact. On a day that’s hard for a lot of people, let’s bring some light.
#godsperfectcreation #curlyhairroutine #coilyhair #selflove http://liketk.it/2Wlql #liketkit @liketoknow.it