I have struggled with anxiety for years, so I can tell you first hand it's not fun. Some days my heart is just racing for no reason, I feel scrutiny from others (that isn't even there) and I feel on the verge of panic over basic life tasks. I have been talking with my counselor about CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and in short it is a connected circle between your thoughts, behaviors and feelings. So if you change your thoughts, you can change your behaviors and your feelings. It works ... Continue Reading...
Mommy Needs Some New Clothes
My kids get new clothes all the time and I’m still wearing things from 2010...I’m not kidding I struggle to buy clothes for myself, I don’t like trying things on in the stores (even pre-COVID), I don’t like spending money on myself, I have the idea that it’s selfish, so instead I wear old leggings and pajamas most days. But it is important! When I get ready and dressed, I’m more productive and I feel better about myself. I've decided to buy myself some new clothes and shoes, I need some ... Continue Reading...
2020 COVID, Quarantine, A Year to Remember
I always want to remember the craziness of 2020. This year has been one to remember for sure. For us, it was to be one that changed our lives and boy did it! All before June we had 3 ER visits, 1 hospital stay, and a job loss. I wasn’t sure we were going to make it, but now we are coming out of it and I’m grateful. How has 2020 been for you? #covid #realtalktuesday #blackmoms #blackmomsbelike #blackgirlmagic #momlife4real ... Continue Reading...
Quotes to Inspire
An ever-growing collection of quotes, to inspire you, get you through tough times and remind you of how amazing you are! ... Continue Reading...
I Like My Bigger Body and That’s Okay
I saw something the other day from bodypositive_mom that said “you do not need to atone for living in a bigger body” and it really resonated with me. As I’ve been on social media more I’ve seen people who feel the need to comment on other people’s bodies, why does it make people so uncomfortable that my main goal in life isn’t to live it in a smaller body? I had to ask myself a couple years ago “If I never lost another pound would I be miserable?” It’s taken years of work to accept that I won’t ... Continue Reading...